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Obedience, trust, service Obedience. Trust. Service. Tasks and rewards. Natural abilities. The Body of Christ. God empowers. Spiritual gifts.
The glory of God God is light. The radiance of God's glory. The light of the world. Transformation. Unveiled faces. Importance of the Word.
God's secret wisdom Wisdom is supreme. Human wisdom. Divine wisdom. Secret wisdom. The gospel in Proverbs. The tree of life. Rulers of this age. Redemption. God's purposes.
Sorcery and the return of Jesus Simon the sorcerer. Pharaoh's sorcerers. Elymas the sorcerer. A profitable business. Do not be deceived. Hold fast to the truth. The rapture. False Christs and false prophets. Conclusion.
The real Christmas story It was an angel. The shepherds. They were sorcerers. Jewish sorcerers. From the east. The gifts. When was Jesus born? The escape. Depend on God. Be ready.