Other Studies

The vine and the branches Chosen to bear fruit. The true vine. Fruitless branches. Pruning. Cleansing through the Word. Remain in Jesus. Discarded branches. A divine promise. Glorifying the Father. Remain in his love. Fruit that will last. Spiritual fruit. Spiritual maturity.

Lessons from Solomon An acrostic poem. Born sinners. Resisting sin. Loved by the Lord. Solomon's sins. Conclusion.

David's mighty men Kingship. Spiritual warfare. Brotherhood of believers. Defence. Shedding our blood. Strategic warfare. Submit to God. Room for more. Final word.

Lessons from Jonah Sin and judgement. Forgiveness. A type of Christ. The sign of Jonah. God is gracious and compassionate. Getting our priorities right. God's concern for the lost.

Be filled with the Spirit Springs in the desert. Be filled! Visible sign. Aids to being filled. Final words.

The second coming Jesus is coming back. His resurrection body. The return. He is coming soon.

The heart of the matter God looks at the heart. What the heart represents. After God's heart. Heart attitudes. His Spirit in our hearts. His laws on our hearts. Guard your hearts.

The world and its ways Called out from the world. Not of this world. Slaves to sin. Saved from our sins. Baptism. Do not go back.

Worldwide deception A spiritual problem. Look up at the stars. Blinded minds. The deceiver. Examples of deception. The father of lies.

Spiritual blindness An unusual healing. Power in prayer. Born blind. Spiritual pride. Blind guides. God has deadened their hearts. God's sovereign choice.

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